أحمد عبدالله إسماعيل

I was driving my car ten hours ago to accompany my youngest son to school, I stood for a long time cursing traffic paralysis that lasted for so long that it changed all my plans for that day! Since then, I became tired of repeatedly standing throughout the day. I can now count the number of...
On that rainy night, the little boy felt sad. Sleep vanished, tears that soften cruel hearts ran down his cheeks. He sat on his bed looking at the pictures of his favorite football super star hung on the wall, wondering: “Should I wait too long to see him play versus world stars?!” The...
She sat proudly like a crowned queen on her throne wearing a bright coat he always preferred. Despite being a little far away from her, her perfume penetrated his nose. He focused his eyes on her fingers and the attractive hairstyle which he loved most. After years of absence during which he did...
Finally, a taxi sets off under Abis Bridge at the entrance of Alexandria, heading to Al-Mansheya, where my only sister lives with her husband on a stormy afternoon in the dark cloudy winter days. After waiting for more than twenty minutes for the number of fourteen passengers to be completed...
He carried me on his back and ran fast to school as usual. So, I was flapping into the vast space like a small bird that was released from its nest. He advised me heartily: “Honesty is your path to success”. Since my mother died as soon as I was born, he always smiled showing happiness that he...
The father died suddenly, leaving behind three sons to run the business he founded decades ago. Their mother lived in her apartment, on the ground floor of the building he built. She refused to live with one of them despite their love for her. The sons lived in harmony and success, and did not...
I kept watching that confusing bank accountant providing bank services to customers while waiting for my turn. She was of medium height with a white, freckled face. She was small and looked like a recent graduate, wearing a blue jacket. In front of her, there was a cup of tea just like the...
She was sitting next to her two sons at the dining table just before sunset staring at his empty seat. She ate her lunch which was free of taste or smell. She looked at her wedding picture on the reception hall wall. Anguish filled her heart. She hurried to her bedroom feeling bitterness in her...
One day I traveled by air with a confused woman whose spirit was rebellious. Plane companionship helped us to chat and talk. Along the journey, I listened to all her life worries and pains. I laughed, but I also got excited. My mind calmed down and was anxious after listening to other...
Minutes ago, at eleven-thirty, shortly before noon, I stood among people in a line, extending along La Geté Street, in front of my local bakery. I received a call from Solaf, my older sister who has been living in Germany for years. She articulated in a pained voice filled with worry: - My smart...
تهب ريح عاتية شديدة، في عصر يوم ربيعي تعكر صفوه الرمال والأتربة، أجلس في المحطة، أنتظر القطار الذي تأخر كعادته، أشرب القهوة التي أفضلها سادة. أمسك بهاتفي المحمول أمرر الوقت؛ فقررت طلب شقيقتي أسأل عن أحوالها. تلمح عيني، في أثناء حديثنا، منظرًا صادمًا؛ إذ يجلس طفل بملابس المدرسة على قضيب القطار...
With very observant steps, moves very slowly to the rhythm of calm tones, swaying his body as he dances with her on their wedding night, holding her very carefully as if he were a drowning man clinging to his lifebuoy. His smile widened wider than his earlobes, making heaps of promises. The...
She asked in a struggle raging inside her chest: - "Will I replace my husband who is a doctor with a mechanic?! What will people, family and acquaintances say?! Will my ex-husband and his family gloat over me?!" She sits alone, struggling with her bewilderment, unable to make a decision, nor...
He decided to show his wedding on the phone screens; that’s why he asked both families in Egypt and Algeria and all their friends in Germany to follow his live video; to share joy and laughter. The newlyweds held their wedding at the embassy, following preventive precautions, and the bride took...
في سجن الاحتلال، شديد الحراسة، يظهر السَّجَّان، أسود البشرة طويل القامة يرتدي لباسًا عسكريًا رمادي اللون، وفوق حزام خصره يضع مسدسه، يمسك بالأسير، المكبل بالقيود، ذو اللحية الخفيفة والجسد النحيل، يرتدي بدلة بنية اللون مخصصة للسجناء، انفتح الباب، ففقد بصره مؤقتًا؛ فاجأته الشمس بعد أن قضى زمنًا في...

هذا الملف

آخر تحديث

كتاب الملف
