فتحي مهذب - صليبي على ظهري. Cross on my back... ترجمة يوسف حنا. فلسطين.

لما طردني الناس ذهبت إلى الكنيسة.
بكيت وقلت يا رب :
لا تذرني وحيدا على حافة الهاوية.
صليبي على ظهري
ودمي يشرشر في العتبات.
لما طردني الناس
ذهبت إلى الغابة حزينا.
بكت شجرات الصفصاف طويلا
جاءني فهد محملا بالهدايا
عزاني بوم الدوق الصغير
وأسلمني الهدهد خاتمه الذهبي
بينما فراشة ملآى بالنور
تئز في كم قميصي
لما طاردني قباطنة القرون الوسطى
حملتني الأمواج بعيدا
آزرني حي بن يقظان
أسلمني كنوز ابن طفيل
وقال : الطريق وعرة
والعيارون كثر.
لما طاردني سائق عربات الموتى
في عز النوم.
آوتني آلهة الموسيقى
لما آذاني السحرة في الجو
ألبسني ملاك جناحين من النور.
Cross on my back
By Fathi Muhadub / Tunisia
From Arabic Dr. Yousef Hanna / Palestine
When people kicked me out, I went to church.
I cried and said, Lord:
Do not leave me alone on the edge of an abyss.
Cross on my back
And my blood shatters in the treads.
When people kicked me out
I went to the woods sad.
Willow trees cried long
Loaded leopard with gifts came to me.
Little Duke's owl comforted me
And the hoopoe handed me his golden ring
While a butterfly filled with light
Was buzzing in my shirt's sleeve.
When the medieval captains chased me
The waves carried me away
Hayy ibn Yaqzan (1) sustained me
He handed me the treasures of Ibn Tufail (2)
And said: The road is bumpy
And the Ayari (3) are many.
When the chariot driver chased me
At the height of sleep,
The goddess of music sheltered me.
When magicians hurt me in the air
An angel clothed me with two wings of light.
1. Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān is an Arabic philosophical novel and an allegorical tale written by Ibn Tufail in the early 12th century In Al-Andalus. The name by which the book is also known “The Improvement of Human Reason”
2. Ibn Tufail was an Arab Andalusian Muslim polymath: a writer, novelist, Islamic philosopher, Islamic theologian, physician, astronomer, vizier, and court official. As a philosopher and novelist, he is most famous for writing the first philosophical novel, Hayy ibn Yaqzan.
3. Ayari: In the Arab heritage, the literature of thieves and the poems of thieves was known in the era of the pre-Islamic era. They viewed theft as a craft and viewed their legitimate appropriation of the rich’s money as Zakat valued for) the poor.


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