أوراق الشجر .. قصائد هايكو ( ج 18 ) ترجمة : بنيامين يوخنا دانيال

( 86 ) - مايكل ديلان ويلش / الولايات المتحدة الامريكية

البيع على الرصيف -
ترفرف بطاقة السعر
وسط أوراق الشجر المتساقطة


( 87 ) - روبرت ويتمر / اليابان

صباحا في شهر تشرين الثاني
يغطي الصقيع أوراق الشجر البنية
المعرضة للشمس


( 88 ) - ديان بليهيرت / الولايات المتحدة الامريكية

ما من ريح
تحبس الأشجار


( 89 ) - زيليكو فوندا / كرواتيا

واحدة في بركة الماء
و أخرى في حاوية القمامة
تسقط أوراق الشجر


( 90 ) - أندريس إيهين / التشيك

شتاء غير متوقع -
أسمع أوراق الشجر المتساقطة
على الثلج , طوال الليل


مترجمة عن الإنكليزية : -
1 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 12 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
2 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal . Issue No . 3 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
3 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 5 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
4 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 7 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
5 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal . Issue No . 9 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
6 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 10 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
7 - Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Joual , Issue No . 11 . shamrockhaiku . webs . com
8 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 14 . https : // shamrockhaiku .webs . com
9 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 16 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
10 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrovk Haiku Journal , Issue No . 18 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
11 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 20 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
12 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 23 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
13 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 26 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
14 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 31 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
15 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 34 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
16 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 35 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
17 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 38 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
18 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 42 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
19 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 43 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
20 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 47 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
21 – Akita International Haiku Network . https : // akitahaiku . com
22 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 6 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
23 – Daffodil – A Deathe Poem – The Haiku Foundation . https : // himbat . com
24 – A Leaf ( Haiku ) Poem by Mihaela Pirjol . https : // www . Poemhunter . com
25 – Haiku by Kanchan Chatterjee . https : // akitahaiku . com
26 – World Haiku Series 2021 ( 52 ) Haiku by Xenia Tran . https : // akitahaiku . com
27 – Poetic Musings : Fallen Flower Haiku by Masaoka Shiki . https : // neverendingstoryhaikutanka . blog
28 – The Haiku Sensibilities of E . E . Cummings . https : // faculty . gvsu . edu
29 – My Younger Brother Speads His Plllllllalms , Maple Leaves : Yukio … . https : // www . theparisreview . org
30 – Wills , John -The Living Haiku Anthology . https : // livinghaikuantholology . com
31 – Basho Moon Haiku . https : // Avanti – dez . de
32 – Paulownia KIRI - ! Haiku and Hapiness ! ! ( 02 ) . https : // haikuandhapiness . com
33 – Why Haiku : Not Just 5 – 7 – 5 – Tweetspeak Poetry . https : // www . tweetspeakpoetry . com
34 – Haiku gifts – Old Water Pat Publishing . https : // oldwaterratpublishing . com
35 – Yellow Leaf ( Haiku ) Poem by Kostas Lagos . https : // www . poemhunter . com
36 – Heart – Shaped Leaves Haiku Poem by Chen – ou Liu . https : // www . poemhunter . com
37 – Haiku from the leaf pole – Butterfly Mind . https : // andreabadgley . blog
38 – My Favorite Haiku – Floating Leaf – Poem Hunter … . https : // www . poemhunter . com
39 – Haiku Dialogue – Haiku Prism – Green . https : // thehaikufoundation
40 – Oh dear , green leaves , bright sun – matsuo – basho – haiku . https : // matsuobashohaiku . home . org
41 – Autumn Moon Haiku Journal – Home . https : // www . autumnmoonhaiku . com
42 – Haiku of Soen Nakagawa 2 – mahajana . net . https : // mahajana . net
43 – The Ethos of Haiku ( by H . F . Noyes ) – The Living Haiku Anthology , https : // livinghaikuanthology . com
44 – Results of the 5th international KLOSTAR IVANIC … . https : // www . worldhaiku . net
45 – The Wind Tears Away Autumn , Poetry by John Tiong Chunghoo . https : // www . poemhunter . com
46 – Haiku from Ireland and the rest of the world , Shamrock Haiku Journal , Issue No . 46 . https : // shamrockhaiku . webs . com
46 – Haiku by Dean Blehert . https : // www . blehert . com
47 – Simply Haiku : An E – Journal . https : // simplyhaiku .com



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